Gain confidence for the exam day with the IELTS Trial Test and get a 35% discount on your main test

If you are about to take the IELTS test, you may be anxious about what you will find in each section. However, there’s a way to experience the real environment while receiving personalised feedback about your performance: the IELTS Trial Test, a high-quality service the British Council provides.

With this benefit, you can enter the exam room and feel the experience in advance at no cost. After this, you will receive feedback from an expert so you can identify how you need to prepare for the real exam. Also, you will get a 35% discount on the fee for your main test.

This also contributes to the enhancement of the IELTS Test. Your experience will drive improvements and important considerations for preparation material that will shape the future of the test.

Register to the IELTS Trial Test