3 additional advantages of taking the IELTS exam when living in Canada

The IELTS test can have a significant impact on your experience living in Canada by proving your language skills to organizations, institutions and universities, thereby improving your ability to adapt to live in the country.

 We will also expose the most common mistakes among people who are fluent in English so that you can avoid them and prepare for the IELTS exam.

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3 reasons why IELTS can improve your experience living in Canada

If you are currently living in Canada and are contemplating whether to take the IELTS test, there are three compelling reasons why you should consider doing so, in addition to the primary reasons for applying for immigration programs or academic purposes such as admission to a Canadian college or university.

1. Language proficiency

Before we get started, you must know that IELTS is one of the most popular English tests worldwide. It is accepted by over 11,500 institutions and organizations, so, as you can imagine, it is highly trusted.

This exam assesses your English language proficiency in various areas, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. By preparing for and taking the IELTS test, you’ll strengthen your language skills.

For example, the speaking section assesses your ability to express yourself clearly and coherently, which helps you prove proper pronunciation and enrich your vocabulary when interacting with others.

On the other hand, a strong performance in the IELTS reading test means you can move through different cities with ease. Whether you’re navigating public transportation, grocery shopping, or dealing with administrative tasks, being proficient in English as demonstrated by a good score will reduce potential language barriers. For example, it will confirm your ability to understand signs, addresses, and directions.

In the same way, a wide range of government services, from obtaining driver’s licenses and registering for social assistance, often require interaction in English. Navigating government websites, filling out forms, and communicating with officials are all easier with the English proficiency certified by the IELTS.

2. Job opportunities

Many jobs in Canada require strong English language skills. A good IELTS score can open up more opportunities, as employers often look for candidates who can communicate clearly with colleagues and customers, as well as during meetings. This can help you secure a better job, earn a higher income, and advance in your career.

There are different fields, such as marketing, education, customer service, finances, and health, that require constant interaction. So, a good listening and speaking score can guarantee that you will handle it well.

As you may know by now, Canada is known as the land of growth and opportunities. This country has a solid economy, which is among the best 10 worldwide, and a low unemployment rate (approximately 5.5%, according to Pearson). To make out the most when living in Canada, you should prove your English proficiency.

Networking is also an important aspect, mainly for professional reasons. A strong IELTS speaking score can help you confidently introduce yourself, engage in small talk, and participate in events.

It can provide valuable insights into job opportunities, industry trends, and the unspoken rules of various sectors. You can also find job openings and connect with potential employers or colleagues who can vouch for your skills and abilities.

A group of people talkin


3. Professional licensing

Certain professions in Canada, such as nursing, dietetics, dentistry, engineering, and medicine, may require foreign-trained professionals to demonstrate their English language proficiency through the IELTS exam as part of the professional licensing process.

It may be a requirement if the profession involves communication with clients, colleagues, or the public. Some regulatory bodies demand it to ensure that professionals have the necessary skills to perform their duties effectively and ethically.

Overcoming weaknesses while taking the IELTS exam

Now that you know why taking the IELTS exam will be helpful for your experience living in Canada, you should be aware that even people who are fluent in English make mistakes in the test. Here are some of the most common ones so that you can avoid them.

1. Lack of time management

Some test-takers struggle with time constraints so it’s important to allocate your time wisely across all sections. The distribution is as it follows:

  • Reading: 60 minutes.
  • Writing: 60 minutes.
  • Speaking: 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Listening: 30 minutes.

2. Not understanding the task

In all the sections it’s crucial to fully understand the task before responding. Misinterpreting the question can lead to irrelevant or incorrect answers.


Two women introduce each other and have a conversation

3. Ignoring word count

The writing section has specific word count requirements for each task (for the first one, you must write 150 words, and for the second one, 250). Exceeding or falling short of the word limit can result in a lower score.

4. Not practicing writing skills

Writing requires practice. Some candidates neglect this aspect, and as a result, their essays may lack coherence, organization, or proper grammar. You should try to write several types of texts, for example, argumentative, informative, descriptive, expository, etc., from different lengths and subjects.

5. Overlooking vocabulary and grammar

Even fluent English speakers may make grammatical errors or use inappropriate vocabulary. Reviewing basic grammar rules and expanding your vocabulary can be beneficial.

6. Lack of variety in sentence structure

Using the same sentence structures repeatedly, particularly in the writing section, can affect the overall impression of language proficiency. Aim for variety.

7. Ignoring test format

Familiarize yourself with the IELTS test format, including the types of questions. This awareness can contribute to better performance.

Remember to look at sample questions and answers. You can also practice with different resources, such as webinars, tests, online tutoring, courses, apps, and advice from teachers or test-takers, among others.

After these 3 reasons, in addition to the most common ones (immigration or admission to Canadian universities or colleges), you know the importance of taking the IELTS when living in Canada. It will help you to find better job opportunities and make you feel more comfortable in this country.

You also know which are the most common mistakes among native speakers or people who are fluent in English, so that you can avoid them.

Visit the IELTS Canada homepage to find out more

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